/** ****************************************************************************************************
* @file: server.js
* @project: template-api
* @author Nick Soggin <iSkore@users.noreply.github.com> on 30-Oct-2017
'use strict';
config = require( 'config' ),
{ join } = require( 'path' ),
express = require( 'express' ),
cors = require( 'cors' ),
bodyParser = require( 'body-parser' ),
logger = require( 'pino' )( {
enabled: !process.env.TESTING,
level: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'trace'
} ),
expressPino = require( 'express-pino-logger' );
setupRoute = require( './setupRoute' ),
captureErrors = require( './middleware/captureErrors' ),
recursivelyReadDirectory = require( '../utils/recursivelyReadDirectory' );
* Server
class Server
this.isClosed = false;
* bindProcess
* @description
* bind the process to `SIGINT`, `SIGQUIT`, `SIGTERM`, `unhandledRejection`, `uncaughtException`, `beforeExit`,
* and `exit` program POSIX signal events to assist with safe shutdown
logger.trace( 'bindProcess' );
// catch all the ways node might exit
.on( 'SIGINT', ( msg, code ) => ( logger.info( 'SIGINT' ), process.exit( code || 0 ) ) )
.on( 'SIGQUIT', ( msg, code ) => ( logger.info( 'SIGQUIT' ), process.exit( code || 0 ) ) )
.on( 'SIGTERM', ( msg, code ) => ( logger.info( 'SIGTERM' ), process.exit( code || 0 ) ) )
.on( 'unhandledRejection', ( err ) => logger.error( 'unhandledRejection', err ) )
.on( 'uncaughtException', ( err ) => logger.error( 'uncaughtException', err ) )
.on( 'beforeExit', () => logger.info( 'beforeExit' ) )
.on( 'exit', () => logger.info( 'exit' ) );
* expressInitialize
* @description
* Initialize express middleware and hook the middleware
logger.trace( 'expressInitialize' );
this.app = express();
this.app.use( expressPino( { logger } ) );
this.app.set( 'trust proxy', 1 );
this.app.disable( 'x-powered-by' );
this.app.use( cors() );
this.app.use( bodyParser.raw( { limit: '5gb' } ) );
this.app.use( bodyParser.urlencoded( { extended: false } ) );
this.app.use( bodyParser.text() );
this.app.use( bodyParser.json() );
this.app.use( '/docs', express.static( 'docs' ) );
* hookRoute
* @param {object} item - item from the api config
* @returns {*} - returns item with required execution function
hookRoute( item )
logger.trace( `hookRoute ${ item.method } ${ item.route }` );
// TODO::: add a hook to check for authentication if the handler file requires it
const exec = [
( req, res, next ) => ( this.meters.reqMeter.mark(), next() )
setupRoute( item, exec );
// hook route to express
this.app[ item.method ]( item.route, exec );
return item;
logger.trace( 'routerInitialize' );
this.app.get( '/routes', ( req, res ) => {
const routes = this.app._router.stack
.filter( ( r ) => r.route && r.route.methods )
.map( ( r ) => ( {
path: r.route.path,
methods: r.route.methods
} ) );
res.status( 200 ).json( routes );
} );
this.routes.map( ( item ) => this.hookRoute( item ) );
// capture all unhandled routes
this.app.all( '*', ( req, res ) => {
res.status( 405 ).json( {
msg: `Method: ${ req.method } on ${ req.path } not allowed`
} );
} );
// capture all unhandled errors that might occur
this.app.use( captureErrors() );
async loadRoutes()
logger.trace( 'loadRoutes' );
this.routes = await recursivelyReadDirectory( join( process.cwd(), 'src', 'routes' ) );
this.routes = this.routes.filter( ( route ) => /([a-z0-9\s_\\.\-():])+(.m?t?jsx?)$/i.test( route ) );
this.routes = this.routes.map( ( route ) => require( `${ route }` ) );
this.routes = this.routes.sort( ( a ) => a.method === 'HEAD' ? -1 : 0 );
* initialize
* @description
* Hook `process` variables `uncaughtException`, `unhandledRejection`, and `exit` to handle any potential errors
* that may occur. This will allow us to properly handle exit and log all non-V8 level errors without the program
* crashing.
* @returns {Server} - this
async initialize()
logger.trace( 'initialize' );
// override process handlers to handle failures
if ( !process.env.TESTING ) {
// setup express
await this.loadRoutes();
* onStart
* @description
* create instance of an http server and start listening on the port
* @param {function} cb - pm2 callback
onStart( cb )
logger.trace( 'onStart' );
this.server = this.app.listen(
config.get( 'server.port' ),
config.get( 'server.host' ),
() => {
logger.info( {
name: config.get( 'name' ),
version: config.get( 'version' ),
host: config.get( 'server.host' ),
port: config.get( 'server.port' )
} );
logger.info( 'started' );
* sensors
* @description
* PM2 managed function
* @param {*} io - PM2 managed argument
sensors( io )
logger.trace( 'sensors' );
this.meters = {};
this.meters.reqMeter = io.meter( 'req/min' );
* actuators
* @description
* PM2 managed function
* @param {*} io - PM2 managed argument
* @example
* pm2 trigger <app_id> process
actuators( io )
logger.trace( 'actuators' );
// TODO::: add system info as actuator
io.action( 'process', ( reply ) => reply( { env: process.env } ) );
io.action( 'server', ( reply ) => reply( { server: this.server } ) );
io.action( 'config', ( reply ) => reply( { config: config } ) );
* onStop
* @param {*} err - error
* @param {function} cb - pm2 callback
* @param {number} code - exit code
* @param {string} signal - kill signal
onStop( err, cb, code, signal )
logger.trace( 'onStop' );
if ( this.server ) {
if ( err ) {
logger.error( err );
if ( this.isClosed ) {
logger.debug( 'Shutdown after SIGINT, forced shutdown...' );
this.isClosed = true;
logger.debug( `server exiting with code: ${ code } ${ signal }` );
* module.exports
* @description
* export a singleton instance of Server
* @type {Server}
module.exports = Server;